Monday, April 19, 2010

Wgy Does Clarticymicin Leave A Bad Taste In Mouth

politically correct name for Negro kisses

weekend We invited our new neighbors. Since some children have registered, I had to quickly go shopping on Saturday or to the supermarket and had " Negerküsse " on my shopping list.

Negro kisses?
clear that this name is no longer used wird. Aber was genau ist die politisch korrekte Bezeichnung?

Eine Frage in die Runde (Twitter) liefert folgende, interessante Vorschläge (in der Reihenfolge der Zustellung):

Thanks for the creative suggestions! Most of them bring each professional saleswoman in a supermarket within 20 seconds to despair. "But they had always used. Where are now the maximalpigmentierten calories?

Lt. WIKIPEDIA - Thanks @ akuckartz for reporting - the really correct names are the way chocolate kiss or kiss foam.

" Ein  Schokokuss  oder  Schaumkuss  ist eine Süßigkeit aus einer Füllung aus  Eiweißschaum  und einem Überzug aus  Schokolade  auf einer  Waffel .

Der „Kuss“ im Schokokuss ist eine Übersetzung von  frz.   le baiser  („der Kuss“), wohingegen das  meringue is called in French la meringue. [1]
Other names by which the dessert is also called, are Negerkuss , in the west and southwest of the German language area also Mohrenkopf in Austria Sweden bomb , (a brand of confectionery factory Niemetz ; see genus name) and the Bavarian Forest Bumskopf .
Since the expressions
Negro and Mohr today because of their racist connotation are often avoided, as the official product names for the most part names such as chocolate kiss , chocolate kiss , foam cones , Schaumkuss , Süßpfropfen , Naschkuss or company name related neologisms as Dickmann , Köhler or used Mayer Junior . [2] "

Friday, April 16, 2010

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Looking for central reporting ... From SAP to

It's amazing how diverse the Web 2.0 is and how many great applications it to fore has to be related. Hardworking have I tried many of them, some I use to permanently, some at least sporadically.
And some I think I have forgotten.

Many of the social media applications allow networking and sending messages . I get messages about XING (incidentally 99% of spam, obscure event invitations), direct messages to Twitter , news on Facebook answers to waves in Google Wave , e-mail from different accounts, news Reviews on , short messages on Skype .

And probably much more.

is very much spam or negligible. Thus, it was a great relief for me, the many e-mail to turn off notifications. A real relief.

Nun ergibt sich daraus aber tatsächlich auch ein kleines, nicht ganz unbedeutendes Problem :

Einige Freunde und Bekannte haben das eine oder andere Medium offenbar als ihr Lieblingsmedium auserkoren und nutzen das auch, um mir Nachrichten zu schreiben.

Leider natürlich jeder ein anderes Medium.

Als Konsequenz ergibt sich das Problem teils ungeheuerlich langer Antwortzeiten , teils möglicherweise sogar gänzlich vergessener Nachrichten .

Was wiederum in der Ausgangsfrage mündet:

Gibt es eigentlich ein zentrales Benachrichtigungssystem? 

Ist der kleinste gemeinsame Denominator really e-mail alerts ? Can they at least somehow configure that memories are only selected contacts - and possibly only when I got a message that not formerly exercised within a certain time interval note?

many questions.
No answers.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dry Hair Before Period

's iPhone in 8 seconds

With the new Intrexx Professional in version 5.0 United Planet is a big hit for, expanding the circle of this particular application portal software strong.

So far we have at QuinScape Intrexx used model is based around our customer portals and web-based applications (with emphasis on relationship management) implementation.
The customer benefits in the short development cycle by the model-based implementation, this relatively low cost and high adaptability.

Especially with the support of mobile devices is a model-based approach a decisive advantage, as is now evident with the release 5.0. The core idea is to model forms, processes, procedures, permissions and all other portal elements graphically, and behind this graphic description of an XML Modell steht. Dieses wird per XSL Transformationen in den ausführbaren Code transformiert, wobei dieser nicht nachbearbeitet oder angepasst wird. Werden spezielle Programmierungen benötigt, fließen diese direkt in das Modell ein - als eigenerstellte Kontrollelemente (Custom Controls) oder gebunden an existierende Elemente.

Im Umfeld mobiler Endgeräte zeigt dieser Ansatz seine Stärke dahingehend, dass spezielle Transformationen auf die Eigenarten unterschiedlicher Endgeräte reagieren können. So ist es etwa problemlos möglich, spezielle Seiten für den Blackberry und das iPhone auszuschießen und deren besondere Gegebenheiten zu respektieren (z. B. keine JavaScript Unterstützung in alten Versionen des Blackberry).
The advantage is that the different output formats can be operated from the same source, the effort so far not multiplied by the number of formats.

impressive especially can demonstrate this, if one uses other standard elements of Intrexx as the SAP interface: Then it is possible to bring in a live demonstration within half an hour, a selected SAP functionality to a mobile terminal - mind you with the functionality, writeback etc.

think just because our larger customers are more likely to be their strategy in the area of \u200b\u200bmobile applications, we will probably soon offer a workshop on this subject, with the somewhat simplistic titles

by SAP's on iPhone in 8 seconds

and enter it in more detail on the topic.
I look forward to feedback on this topic!