Hinweis: Der nachfolgende Artikel ist im Rahmen meiner Kolumne "Perspektive 2.0" für die TM 2.0 erschienen:
Ohne Zweifel sorgt das Internet für einen Informationszugang in einer bislang unbekannten Größenordnung. Informationen werden schneller verteilt, bleiben dauerhaft erhalten und sind verhältnismäßig einfach zugreifbar, z. B. durch Suchmaschinen.
meantime, a new use of the Internet is doing on the Internet as a digital pillory.
According WIKIPEDIA is a pillory
"an instrument of punishment in the form of a pillar, a wooden pole or a platform on which a bound punished and was publicly presented. [...] The punishment consisted mainly of public disgrace, what the offender had to endure and often a "normal" life in the community made it impossible or very difficult. "
The following are some examples of the recent past that the character of a pillory to do justice.
"The police in the Indian capital Delhi is using the social network Facebook recently to hunt for traffic offenders. Users can upload photos and videos of illegal parking and helmet-less motorcyclists on the side of the officials. 600 traffic fines were using the digital pillory are already issued. " http://www.focus.de/digital/videos/digitaler-pranger-indische-polizei-jagt-verkehrssuender-per-facebook_vid_19147.html
"In the southern Italian city of Bari seems that some city officials to push so far the winning ball. But now the mayor of the capital of Puglia, Michele Emiliano (51), pulled out of patience: "Basta, enough!"
citizens of the city to shoot notoriously lazy when they get the thumbs turning and mail the pictures to him. He then published on his personal page on the Internet network "Facebook". " http://www.bild.de/BILD/politik/2011/01/14/italien-bari-buergermeister-michele-emiliano / blows-for-officials-lazy-jagd.html
Name, address, photo: CDU politicians think aloud about an online pillory for sex offenders. In the U.S. there is already such a database -. And they are controversial, " http://www.focus.de/digital/internet/internet-pranger-sexualstraftaeter-auf-der-uebersichtskarte_aid_539335.html
"Federal Consumer Protection Minister Ilse Aigner (CSU) will be targeted by an Internet-Pranger against false and deceptive labeling of foods.
"We must stop the false labeling," the Minister said on Sunday FIG. In Spring a website to go online, can call on the consumer products that their opinion does not contain the promise of presentation or information. " http://www.bild.de/BILD/politik/2010/10/17 benefit / bundesverbraucherschutzministerin-ilse-aigner/plant-internet-pranger-fuer-lebensmittel-schummler.html
The digital pillory is one of countless examples, such as long-known concepts of the benefits of the Internet and in digital form successfully established.
pillory give the "helpless" individuals the opportunity to grievances - real or perceived - to publicize and spontaneously mobilize a community of stakeholders. It remains to be seen whether this instrument will not soon find its way into the more significant policy and other organizations in which appears the discrepancy between the will of the parties concerned and the decisions of leaders to continue to grow.
It will be interesting to see whether in fact prove permanently specialized pillory or whether it will in the medium to a kind of consolidation with central pillory come (or meta-Prange?), A similar development towards the central platforms could be the internet for many platforms - from the auction house up to the social network - Watch.