Friday, September 26, 2008

Has Lindsey Dawn Mckenzie Ever Peeded


Nun, endlich hat Jung von Matt/next Omngigraffle eingeführt. Leider natürlich ohne die spezialtools für Wireframes.

Macht aber nichts, dieses Internet hilft:

Visual Vocabulary of Information Architecture:

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Images Of Circleexzema

key demographic history

If another one said "this is not our target audience ...." ... just as argument:


"Zapp" unmasked "key demographic group as RTL-trick

[ug] Hamburg - The so-called" key demographic group of 14 - to 49-year-old audience as a barometer for the success of television programs is an arbitrary invention, and a pure publicity stunt the private broadcaster RTL.

Nevertheless submit to all these television systems have little or no meaningful measurement of success today. This was revealed by research of the NDR media magazine Zapp " for the current program on Wednesday 17 September, at 23.00 clock in the NDR television.

Former RTL marketing chief Uli Bellieno, "right hand" of the first and legendary RTL chief Helmut Thoma confessed over "Zapp", with the arbitrary introduction of the "key demographic between 14 and 49 have the relatively small Luxembourg private channel's audience share is skewed upward. Because it disappears completely, the 50-year-olds who were with ARD and ZDF, and are particularly well represented. Ex-RTL-man Bellieno literally: "In principle, was the ne certain desperation because you'll not progressed further, and sometimes even desperate.. great too.. "

this down at the 14 - to 49-year-old spectator was" back then emerged as a wonderful marketing trick of RTL, Helmut Thoma "He had" made his eloquence to anchor this target group in the market. " Bellieno continues: ". We were actually own a bit surprised that this convention went so smoothly," Today is to Bellieno.. "It's actually a pretty silly audience," For 49 years was "absolutely no real cut"

finally worked and most people consumed up to 59 or even 65 years are, therefore, also relevant advertising. The advertising expert Bernd M. Michael, who early on questioned the RTL-trick had been, emphasized in "Zapp" also have the limitation 14-49 no scientific basis. "The target group 14 to 49, a rumor has been a misunderstanding, invented by an Austrian, we all know that it brought the private television station to talk, and this wonderful lie has kept to this day."

RTL spokesman Christian Körner, however, considers undaunted in the target group 14 to 49 of a key currency for measuring success. It was "vital" that this target group "was chosen as the common currency in the advertising industry, advertisers and other broadcasters." RTL was for 16 years continuously in this target group, the number Eins. "Darauf sind wir sehr stolz."

-Vermarktungstrick Sendun

Monday, September 15, 2008

Adding A Porch To A Raised Ranch

Regards: Your Invitation to another social network

Dear Old Friend,

Thank you so much for your invitation to join Social Networking Site X (SNSX). I am touched that, although we haven’t spoken or written in years, you have refrained from erasing my email address and thereby extended this digital hand of friendship to me along with likely hundreds of others. (Tell them I said hi, by the way.)

I recognize that the invitation to join you at SNSX represents a delightful optimism on your part, a hope that the nonzero probability that that you and I might wish to resume our relationship at some time in the future might be sustained and even nurtured by the beneficent hand of SNSX.

Alas, I must decline your invitation. Do not take it personally.

In my old age I find myself becoming ever more the grouchy hermit, and I am no longer able to hold onto the youthful, exuberant ideals embodied by your invitation to perpetual contact. No, cold and heartless as I am, I find myself subscribing to a more organic, Darwinian model of friendship, ie those that are worthy of persisting do so without the technological assistance of SNSX and its brethren, while the rest are more than welcome to settle into the warm ooze of my longterm memory.

In other words, Old Friend, whose memory I will always cherish, if we need SNSX to stay in touch, then, well, perhaps we shouldn’t.


Yours faithfully.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Invention In Biology In 2010

Viralcom - where all the virals come from!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Velba и Nadine Видео

physics rap

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What Does Cervical Mucus Looklike When Pregnant?

Finding the right words ... for your Exlovers

Period Week Late Cervix High Soft

improving online experiences ...!

a good thing to know!

Dry Heaving In The Morning Male

Do you google yourself? Yes, I google myself!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dbz - Kamehasut­ra


Just to remember: we need to focus on one single usecase. It's like boobs - they have a wonderful usability and are useful in many cases, but they are optimised for one special thing. Oh, if you don't know what I mean - google will provide you with images of all kinds :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Conversion Vans For Sale In Pa

Herbie Hancock

Ladies and Gentlemen, As you know We have a special occasion down here for you, a recording for BlueNote Records...