Tuesday, January 27, 2009

3 Advantages Of Water Cooled Engines

Webinars: Social Web technologies useful in the business use

You are cordially invited to attend a four-part series of online seminars on the topic of Web 2.0 in Business . Participation is free of charge on the first webinar, you shall make no commitments.
want to use decision-makers in companies and non-profit organizations, the new media in your communication:
audience. Consultants, trainers and other providers of services, which are characterized by high communication needs. Companion and actors in change processes.

These are the topics :

a Webinar (27.2.2009, 17-18.30 Clock GMT): How do social media, the business world.

The new social media have raised in recent years, a second Internet revolution. Production, customer service, design, research and development and many other key business functions are increasingly outsourced to the Internet. At the same time grow the possibilities of citizen participation in political processes. The first webinar in our series, a variety of examples will be shown how social media can be used in organizational development and communication with stakeholders. Is Web 2.0 just hype? Should we join it? What benefits can my business / my organization davon haben, sich im sozialen Netz zu engagieren? Kann Web 2.0 die Welt verändern (und die Art, wie wir arbeiten und leben)?

Detailiertes Progamm und Links

Webinar 2 (6.3.2009, 17-18.30 Uhr MEZ): Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, Slideshows etc. - Wie Sie mit Ihren Kunden in Dialog treten können

So, wie es vor 10 Jahren hieß, keine Organisation kann es sich leisten, keine Webseite zu haben, gilt heute: Keine Organisation kann es sich leisten, nicht in Interaktion mit ihren Stakeholdern zu treten. Viele Unternehmen nutzen bereits solche Tools. In diesem Webinar werden Sie lernen, welche Tools die richtigen für Sie sind und wie Sie den Einstieg . Create If you already use such tools, you will receive practical tips to optimize your strategy. How and where I blog the most? What are tags and what they are using? What is folksonomy? Is a Wiki right for my internal or external communication? How do I improve the attractiveness of my blog? Does it make sense, videos and audio files on the net see? How do I embed it in blogs? What are mash-ups and widgets? How is that even with the copyright?

Webinar 3 (13.3.2009, 17-18.30 Clock PST): Twitter - a new technology is revolutionizing the Web

Twitter is one of the last developments of the Web. The micro-blogging service allows Create networks that directly and quickly to discuss issues and forward short information. Twitter is already used by many organizations. In this webinar to learn how to make Twitter useful for itself and communication with partners, peers and customers. What tools are available, their use to improve the performance Twiiter makes sense? Twitter must be real?

Webinar 4 (20.3.2009, 17-18.30 Clock GMT): networking and netiquette

learn last webinar of the series, as result from a responsible and passionate action new partnerships. The opportunities with clients, peers, opinion leaders to join and even opinion leaders in a particular topic are numerous. What are the basic rules and mechanisms for this? How do I use RSS feeds to be efficiently meet the flood of data? What other networks like Facebood, LinkedIn, Xing, etc. should I use?

If necessary, the series continues. In each of the webinars of course, your questions are answered. The series of events is practical. You get specific tips on how to use new technologies. All Webinars are documented in detail, so you can track all information in the future in peace.

Webinarleiter is Holger Nauheim. The author of Change Management Toolbook is internationally renowned for his journalistic work and his work in organizations. For two years, Holger Nauheimer deals with the use of new technologies to support processes of change in economy and society.


If you wish to participate in the Webinar # 1, please send an email to ulrike@change-facilitation.org . The technological platform, we will be using Dimdim. That means: no downloads, all you need is a headset or speakers.

As I said, taking part in the first webinar is free, and participating ist begrenzt. Wenn Sie dann an der weiteren Reihe teilnehmen wollen, kostet Sie dies € 168 plus USt für die gesamten restlichen drei Seminare. Sie gehen mit der Anmeldung zum ersten Webinar keinerlei Verpflichtungen ein.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme und bitten Sie, diese Nachricht an interessierte Kollegen weiterzuleiten.


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