Thursday, May 27, 2010

save the date open

In German WIKIPEDIA it is surprisingly so far proved unsuccessful, in English it is called ( ):

"A save the date notice is an Stating the item date of a wedding or other formal event. It typically states the date when a couple plans to marry, so that recipients will know to keep that date free. Save the dates usually take the form of a card, but can then be a refrigerator magnet or similar item. They are Generally sent out at least six to twelve months before the wedding date, and are usually followed by a formal wedding invitation. While save the date started as a wedding-related custom, it is now used by individuals, businesses, and organizations to announce the date of any formal event, ranging from wedding anniversaries to grand opening ceremonies for office buildings. "
This custom seems to date to be like Halloween on a similar triumph, the net is already full of references to" save the date "postcards.

It amazes ( me personally, at least) a little, now that any appointment notice in purely German-language publications to "save the date "mutated

Well, thanks to WIKIPEDIA, we now know at least what is meant and are eager expectations if the invitation is to a great feast, followed by the likes because

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Warts/underneath Finger Nail

saga 1.0 is here!

Now it's done:..

open saga is timely been to 01/05/2010 (actually even a day before) in version 1.0 ready and available for download at

(due at this point the development team of course an appropriate praise for compliance with the timetable and the creation of a groundbreaking software.)

Where, perhaps for one or the other, the question of what exactly is open saga.

to SAGA to read on WIKIPEDIA: "In Germany, the" Coordination and Advisory Agency of the Federal Government for Information Technology in the Federal (KBSt) under the BundOnline 2005, document standards and architectures for e-government applications (SAGA), published in March 2008 which is present in version 4.0. After the completion of BundOnline SAGA is updated as a technical specification of the IT strategy of the Federation. "
(seeür_E-Government-Anwendungen )

And further (from the same source) is that "In SAGA considered all relevant areas of e-government applications, ranging from recommendations for . software architecture , methods for data and process modeling (from SAGA 3.0) to requirements for a secure infrastructure . At the heart of the document is often considered the recommendations on standards and technologies . Standard concerns z in this area . as standards for data description (such as XML, XSD), middleware technologies (eg J2EE,. NET), security standards (eg ISIS-MTT) and exchange formats for different file types such as text, images, audio and video files. "

That said, is open saga" a Open-source software platform for efficient development of modern Web applications. The saga open platform is optimized so that they create SAGA-compliant, Java-based web applications significantly easier . Thus, it is a potent unique features in the creation and development of administrative IT systems, especially e-government in the area. "(See )

With the project open saga so we want to product manufacturers and IT services company here To support the observed partial sophisticated and complex criteria SAGA simple. Open saga is open source from Germany have and is supported by a growing community see