Thursday, May 27, 2010

save the date open

In German WIKIPEDIA it is surprisingly so far proved unsuccessful, in English it is called ( ):

"A save the date notice is an Stating the item date of a wedding or other formal event. It typically states the date when a couple plans to marry, so that recipients will know to keep that date free. Save the dates usually take the form of a card, but can then be a refrigerator magnet or similar item. They are Generally sent out at least six to twelve months before the wedding date, and are usually followed by a formal wedding invitation. While save the date started as a wedding-related custom, it is now used by individuals, businesses, and organizations to announce the date of any formal event, ranging from wedding anniversaries to grand opening ceremonies for office buildings. "
This custom seems to date to be like Halloween on a similar triumph, the net is already full of references to" save the date "postcards.

It amazes ( me personally, at least) a little, now that any appointment notice in purely German-language publications to "save the date "mutated

Well, thanks to WIKIPEDIA, we now know at least what is meant and are eager expectations if the invitation is to a great feast, followed by the likes because


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