Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pathophysiology Of Anaemia

like a restaurant table reservation in the Internet age is working and what organizations can learn from it.

Note: The following article is in my column "Perspective 2.0 for the TM 2.0 released:

Imagine, you want on a Saturday evening together with eight people go Italian food. Contacting the Italians of your confidence and realize that, unfortunately, is unavailable due to a wedding, no place.

What now? Follows
usually a combination of research (what other restaurants are within, how are these evaluated?) And request (by telephone request if available at the time is still a table).

This process is extremely costly and labor intensive - and for both sides, for you as well as for the restaurants.

There are many transactions that are related to an organization or company no unique selling expresses , ie not from the competition: area. These incidents must stop to be done, they belong to. The table booking and general management of the dinner reservations are a good example. Of course, a restaurant that service, they must be rendered correctly and it is expected. Hardly a restaurant but is differentiated by the reservation management from its competition.

In the early years of the business use of the Internet has detected a trend that in many areas today really comes into play: There are business transactions and processes, organizations and businesses can easily outsource. It is more effective in the long run, if someone else is specialized in this activity and cross provides. This reduces costs, increases the professionalism of the management and draws particular attention to the essential operations.

I recently celebrated a birthday with my family and my parents in London. For the Abend habe ich ein ansprechendes französisches Restaurant in der Nähe unseres Hotels gesucht, das einen Tisch frei hat. Mit dem Internet-Dienst OpenTable waren die Recherche und Buchung eine Trivialität.

OpenTable übernimmt für Restaurants den gesamten Reservierungsprozess. Einerseits wird hierzu dem Restaurant ein Gerät zur Verfügung gestellt, so dass vor Ort immer maximale Übersicht herrscht und Reservierungen verwaltet werden können. Andererseits bietet OpenTable eine Internet-Plattform, über die Gäste nach Restaurants und freien Tischen suchen und sehr einfach Buchungen vornehmen können. Selbstverständlich kann der service are also available in the website of a restaurant built in, so get it from there directly to the course selection and reservation. OpenTable is now available for mobile devices, and establishes itself slowly in Germany.

My impression is that the process of OpenTable restaurant reservations for a monthly fee handles much better than they could make a single restaurant. For customers, it is easier because the process is standardized on restaurants across and can also be searched using multiple paths for a vacant table. Of course, OpenTable will seamlessly embed into the known Web 2.0 services, for example, the dining experience directly via Facebook mit Freunden geteilt werden.

Und die Moral von der Geschichte? 

Jede Organisation sollte sehr genau wissen, was ihre Kernleistungen und zentralen Tätigkeiten sind, mit denen man sich vom Wettbewerb differenziert und Kunden begeistert. Bei allen anderen Vorgängen sollte man immer wieder kritisch prüfen, ob manche Leistungen nicht extern möglicherweise kostengünstiger und besser erbracht werden können. Das Internet allgemein und das Web 2.0 im Speziellen spielen dabei eine wesentliche Rolle, bilden sie doch den Nährboden auf dem solche Dienstleistungsangebote wachsen und sich wie ein Lauffeuer verbreiten.

Letztendlich profitieren which all parties involved: the participating organizations, their customers and the providers of such specialized services.

This is certainly not new.
One can not repeat often enough.


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