Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tip Working Balsa Wood

Schrodinger cake

or: Robert has (had) birthday.

"on the occasion of my already elapsed birthday of on Monday, I had built up in the kitchen a little experiment , which I will explain shortly.

A Danube waves is half-wave, half-particles and thus the quantum theory is equivalent to light.

As an immediate consequence is that the waves of the Danube, according Heisenberg uncertainty principle can not watch without manipulating it.

I have placed in the kitchen a lot of wave-particle Danube.
For anyone who does not want to see it is possible that there are 2 states: presence or eaten. According to the example of Schrödinger's cat both exist simultaneously.

unless one looks at changes and by observing the state of eating there.

let you taste it. "

(Since lately the birthday cake Announcements bei QuinScape  immer kreativer werden, habe ich damit begonnen, diese hier zu sammeln. Danke @Robert.)


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