First, the topographic map 100 RLP by the tool "Add a Raster Layer" in the coordinate system DHDN / Gauss-Kruger zone 2 "(GK-Z2) is open . Thereafter, the tool vector layer add "(including GK-Z2) successively the administrative boundaries of counties, the administrative boundaries, the local communities and open the protected areas. These vector layers were then processed. To change the border colors and strengths When you click the Right-click on the desired layer selected, select "Presentation" and now it can be the desired border color and border width determined. In the nature reserves has been selected for the property "Fill style" the "diagonal hatching. To label the local communities and protected areas, proceed under the same sequence of steps, not only of the riders 'presentation' is, but "labels" is selected. Here is reacted first with "show caption" a cross, selected in the reserves in the Description box, the attribute "domain names", the municipalities, the attribute "Name". Under the menu item "buffer" is now the size of the lettering can be selected.
By using the right mouse button on the individual Layer presses, you can rename the layer. to obtain
an image file of the geographic scope of the Weilerbach community, you click again with the right mouse button on the layer unitary councils will open here the "attribute table" and search by name the object. This step is done, you zoom to the "rows selected" (attribute table above left), and even the environment of the desired object is displayed on the map.
This section can be save under the menu item "File" menu "image as ...", stored as an image file.
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