Once you have inserted the TU_KL shapefile as a layer to the project, will be produced using this an area accounting for the occurring departments.
This is achieved by first under the tab Tools Geoprocessing Tools "then" Dissolve "selects. Here you select first and then TU_KL from FB. Then this file under Q was: Data / My Documents / [Maldonado] _ [Eva] _Aufgaben_05 as tu_kl_dissolve.shp saved and incorporated into the project.
If one now compares the attribute tables of the TU_KL and tu_kl_dissolve, you can already see that the departments have simplified.
After you select the Tools "Geometry Tools", "Export / Add geometry columns. This will dissolve the selected file and everything stored in "TU_KL_Bilanzierung.shp" under the folders listed above.
The comparison of the attribute table will now no longer just a simplification of the departments, but also an indication of "Area" and "Perimeter".
The project is setting the card unit is back to "meter" and the coordinate reference system for frt "GK Zone 2 (31 466).
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