How does the daily newspaper of tomorrow?
Note: The following article appears in my new column "Perspective 2.0 for the TM 2.0:
Ever since the availability of the iPad is the question of how the newspaper looks like tomorrow, everyone is talking about. The classical concept of the printed, discharged daily is outdated : the content is outdated, the distribution is expensive, the production consumes enormous amounts of paper and resources are limited and the expression of individual Wish the reader can hardly be discussed. In addition, traditional newspapers provide more opinions and less unbiased information.
Even on the traditional paper can meet these disadvantages, a prime example is the personal daily niiu : On the Internet, the reader's individual interests and themes to express, and adjust the layout. The personal daily newspaper is then automatically produced and distributed daily newspaper in classic form. The contents are selected according to individual preferences of dozens of other print and online media, which cooperate with niiu. No doubt an interesting approach, still begs the question, why is this even still a paper production and physical delivery required.
Do you know the " Daily Prophet", the magazine of the Harry Potter novels?
The films shown this as a usual daily newspaper with the only difference being that the images are moved. So instead of photos adorn video presentations articles and provide a qualitatively different representation. Had this in the first film still futuristic, it now seems - in the age of iPads - almost "old fashioned " Where is the interaction with the reader, where the modern medium for Representation and where everything in the world is the color? was
wonderful insight into the magazine of Tomorrow at the developer conference Google I / O to see 2010th The new version 5 of the standard HTML allows now finally typographically and aesthetically challenging pages in the browser display, without a switch to external solutions such as PDF. In a keynote insights are provided in a magazine of the future that combines the aesthetic quality and appearance of a glossy magazine with the navigation options on the Internet and exchange possibilities of Web 2.0 and Social Media: Knowledge readers can delve deeper into the matter, and share opinions with other interested and read "collaborative", that is in communion with their (self-defined) friends. The highly recommended video for the keynote are interested in .
Interestingly, many approaches still follow the concept of a magazine that is consumed at a time. In the past, this was almost inevitably face so we are on the internet but today a steadily flowing stream of messages. Why should it be a daily digest? Surely, in a not constantly accelerating world consistently consume messages when they are available? Schließlich ist es ja auch kaum noch denkbar, einmal täglich seine E-Mails zu bearbeiten.
Gleichermaßen stellt sich die Frage der Konvergenz der Medien:
Wir lesen in der Tageszeitung, hören Nachrichten im Radio und schauen möglicherweise abends die Tagesschau. Dem steht in der Zukunft eher der Ansatz gegenüber, dass uns alle für uns persönlich wichtigen Nachrichten im von uns individuell präferierten Format zum richtigen Zeitpunkt zur Verfügung stehen. Im Auto mag dies ein anderes Format sein als im Büro oder am Frühstückstisch.
Wie sieht also die Tageszeitung von morgen aus?
Wir wissen it is not, and certainly different from today. The idea of \u200b\u200ba daily newspaper of the future "seems to me anyway just an expression of the desire to be extended to the present somehow in the future. I personally think that it will sooner or later be no equivalent of the traditional newspaper and everything we in a completely different way to consume the news stream.
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