Webinar 2: for LA blogging Program Webinar 2 - Blogging
etc. What is a Blog:
web diary, but that describes only the first form. So the difference between a normal blog and website: a website is fairly static and the form and content are intertwined. A blog is usually arranged chronologically - but that can be manipulated. Form and content are separated. With a blog you share with the world, for any reason whatsoever, but this is probably mainly
- networks
- Marketing
- self-presentation
- making money
- Improve
world you have other reasons why you want to write a blog?
to blogging are three things
- Leave
- track the Bloggersphere and other blogs commenting
- link and embed
only the combination of these three things from a real blogger
first makes Leave
Question: From a professional point of view: Should I separate professional contributions and more personal information strictly? How is this so common?
What is your goal? Why Blog do you want? (The concept may even develop further over time). So, then the decision:
Frage: Ist es sinnvoll, sich beim Bloggen quasi für einige Themen zu entscheiden oder ggf. sogar mehrere Blogs für mehrere Themen einzurichten?
Auf jeden Fall - es ist aber eine ungeheure Arbeit, mehrere Blogs zu pflegen. Wenn die Themen verwandt sind, würde ich sie auf einem Blog lassen
Schauen wir uns mal kurz andere Blogger an:
http://scm-l3.technorati.com/x/static/images/public/sotb-2008/chart-p1-segments.png?1222713736 (Link 1)
Why are people blogging
http://scm-l3.technorati.com/x/static/images/public/sotb-2008/chart-p2-why.png?1222713736 (Link 2 )
The Super Blogger - what they like
http://technorati.com/blogging/state-of-the- blogosphere / blogging-for-profit / (Link 3)
business bloggers and blogging companies
Swisscom http://swisscomnature.blueblog.ch/ (Link 4) Plaza Hotel (Staff Blog): http://blog.plazahotel.de/ (Link 5 )
General Motors: http://fastlane.gmblogs.com/ (Link 6) Bangladesh Corporate: http://bangladeshcorporate.blogspot.com/ (Link 7)
NGO Blogs:
Technical Assistance: http://euforic.blogspot.com/ (Link 8)
While Jonathan Schwartz , CEO of Sun Microsystems claims that "... having a blog is not going to be a matter of choice, any more than having e-mail is today", CEO of Naseba , Scott Ragsdale believes that blogging helps him stay focused on his climb.
Who writes - only one person or a group?
is usually a personal blog (share in more than 90% of the cases, in some cases, some people have a blog). What make of larger companies (eg IBM) is that many people have their own blogs and these blogs are all featured on a common side
IBM: http://www.ibm.com/blogs/zz/en / (Link 9)
From a professional point of view: If I professional contributions and more personal information strikt trennen? Wie ist das so üblich?
Was ist Ihr Ziel? (Ich würde es trennen. Kommt auf die persönlichen Informationen an. Ich denke ein Blog kann immer ein bisschen persönlich sein."
Welche Software
a) Blogger
b) wordpress
c) Typepadd) eine gemeinsame Blogplattform, z.B. auf Basis von Ning (kein aktiver link) / Systemische Inspiration (kein aktiver link) , Deutsch-Netzwerk, FNAsia
oder Change Management Toolbook (Link 10)
Jetzt arbeiten Let's an example ...
What is also important: tagging. Tags are the signs of Bloggersphere. Tagging is controversial. Some say tagging ensteht a folksonomy, ie a description of the Internet from the bottom - the users decide how they call an article, video, photo, etc., and draw on during the day by other users. The best way to the Delicious (see below).
others say that tagging creates as well as conventional search engines no meaning but is purely descriptive. They swear on the semantic Web, which means (this is the next big revolution that is present on the internet).
To me it is all about how to make blogging professionally, and how long "saved" the information in the network are. Got even a warning that Google, once set, blog content, so to speak no more "hergibt" .., it should therefore carefully consider whether to use this medium, and whether in a few years ago with the same content / statements connection would be (for example, even one's own thesis appears to an even later ..;-); or need revision - now purely fictitious - with a wide range of training would you charge for a change of employer and perhaps other issues to the fore , the other buzz but still around .. In addition, blogs seem, to my knowledge, in search engines are always on top, so the first source of information that is available when someone googles a name.). The alarm was sounded, of course, especially in the direction of "private communications", but I think the lines are blurred ... For such reasons, I was previously blogging over yet restrained.
course, I also see the opportunities that it contains, concerning not only the link, and will sooner or later, seriously think about it .. ;-) My colleagues are certainly very enthusiastic Blogger ..
The Internet never forgets see
http://www.archive.org/web/web.php (Link 11)
second The follow Bloggersphere and other blogs commenting
No one knows how many blogs there are, but there are probably several hundred million. In every conceivable field, there are many blogs.
If you blog, you can not live in a vacuum, but is inserted into the largest network under the internet and still above Facebook. So it's like to watch other bloggers, but also other organs of publication on the web.
First of all they have to find
http://www.technorati.com (Link 12)
Google Blog Search (Link 13) Digg (Link 14)
Twitter :
(Link 15) Delicious (Link 16)
per hour Blog writing should be at least half hours at hour blog reading schedule
The blogs that appeal to you, you subscribe to RSS feeds
can with our RSS feeds but also search for specific tags subscribe
You should regularly comment on other blog article to the joint discussion on the network to participate but also to highlight the attention
example .. .
What are RSS feeds?
question: Is there a possibility that blog users are kept informed when a new entry is present? The
have the user decide for themselves - the famous RSS feed: Web 2.0 is not a push medium, such as Web 1.0, but more of a pull medium, d.h. der Nutzer entscheidet, was er lesen will.
Frage: Die Blogerstellung scheint mir weniger die Schwierigkeit, als die Aufmerksamkeit über einen längeren Zeitraum aufrecht zu erhalten. Sollte man da der Selbstorganisation vertrauen und/ oder gezielte Impulse als Bloginitiator setzen und wenn ja welche?
Hier geht es offensichtlich um einen Gemeinschaftsblog? Schwierig, wenn nicht die entsprechende Energie da ist (Gegenbeispiel- fnasia.ning.com). Es gilt das Open-Space Prinzip: Leidenschaft und Veanwtwortlichkeit
3. verlinken, zitieren und einbetten
Wenn man andere Blogs sowie andere Medien verfolgt, muss man diese auch zitieren, verlinken und einbetten. Dadurch created the network. Quote is still the simplest. It simply copies a part of the original text in his blog and comment it - of course provided that the source and link. In general, the more links a blog post are (including information on static Web pages), the more vivid is the blog. Quotes are by insertion and / or italic text - as in the print media.
embed - it can and should be photos, videos, PowerPoint presentations, mind maps, and much else in his blog Embed (via Copyright later). It works like this (example) ...
A few other mechanisms:
The Layout of the blog and additional features. The layout of the blog, of course, should look professional. In most cases this is quite simple ...
Widgets are small applications that you can insert and update dynamically
analysis of traffic and the RSS feed Subscriber (automatically by Word Press, via Feedburner or Google Analytics by bloggers).
Question: Can I set up a blog for your own domain, as for a Web site? So, for example, as www.johannawillems.de blog? Is it relevant at all, whether I blog or a "traditional" Web site that?
Yes - you can enter in the blog menu. There are two possibilities: either the / the blog runs on the server, the blog software and the URL points to the BlogURL (eg drymartini.de) or the blog is hosted on your own page (eg change-management-blog.com). What is a traditional website? It's (you can achieve similar but with a CMS) when blogging about technology, which offers not a conventional website.
Disclaimer - Copyright: caution is necessary here, but not too much. Creator of a work according to copyright law in Germany and Austria who der es geschaffen hat. Damit genießt er den vollen Schutz des Urheberrechts.
Im deutschen Recht entstehen Urheberrechte automatisch mit der Schaffung eines Werks.
Es entwickelt sich aber eine neue Grundlage des Copyrights im Internet
Creative Commons: http://creativecommons.org/about/licenses/ (Link 17)
HTML; einige Grundlagen: <>;
http://html.nicole-wellinger.ch/ (Link 18)
Wenn man etwas professioneller bloggen will, are some basic HTML knowledge very useful
more detail: Self HTML,
http://de.selfhtml.org/index.htm (Link 19)
Practical work a blog:
- not left alone in IT and not the PR department, it must itself make
Question: If I create for a company a blog and look after, how much monthly expenditure of time would you estimate you ?
Do we need to discuss in detail - what does that serve? Henceforth write the company?
Question: I am working as a freelance consultant. In which cases would you recommend a blog client, and when this tool is more of a time waster?
If the customer has products to develop for the people passion - is to tell such great cars, or more exciting - for example hotels
question: What is your point of view the most secure platform for blogs and how can I argue against retaining customers?
Very difficult to say. WordPress and TypePad both seem to be very stable, and also have Geschaäftsmodelle for companies. Blogger is Google
I would not try to convince customers of something. But to tell that the time progresses and that the young generation cares for other forms of communication than the older ones.
Question: I worked for a long time with Space Team as well as to an intranet, platforms on which you can organize well as virtual team? Where do you see the main advantage of blogs over such a tool?
visibility (blogs are always read by many, not the blog). The form is clear that latest is always at the front
A few remarks on Wiki http://www.change-management-toolbook.com/mod/wiki/view.php?id=551 (Link 20) \u200b\u200b
questions about Ning
Suitable this offer to participants in our development as the EU fund-raisers (such as a rate of about 20 people) to each other to network?
Can we set up the so-sure that only the participants of a limited group have access?
you can work as well as materials Upload (eg Word, PDF, etc.) and can set files all network members?
what extent has the access to the content provider Ning?
Can I make the design as my website?