Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wm. Rogers And Sons China

Web 2.0 applications for change processes in companies and non-profit organizations

The new social web technologies change our world. More and more organizations are already gearing up with your employees, customers, partners, citizens and other internal and external actors to engage in a dialogue. Virtual networks have become the buzzword to some of our work. If it was 10 years ago that every organization needs an Internet presence, today it is the interactive media such as blogs, wikis, forums, etc. that will help you to get into a conversation and stay, and thereby make the change.

We help companies and non-profit organizations to develop using the tools of Web 2.0 stable customer and partner relationships, to initiate change processes and the sustainable duty payment

How can we help you? These are our products
  • monitoring of change processes in business, government and society
  • advice for the establishment of social networks on the Internet
  • strategies for the initiation of virtual networks, employees, customers, and citizens' juries
  • Design and support of workshops, in which both classical methods of moderation and the use of Internet technologies used are
  • training on the use of new technologies in the process of change

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Good Iron Board Singapore

Webinar 1: Introduction to Web 2.0

Here now the program with the links you can click on all, if the presentation software on strike:
technical check-up

17:00 Welcome - Rules, introduction of participants in the chat

17:10 Introduction; Slides 1-5

17:15 basics Web 2.0 www.oreillynet (Wikipedia explanation of the term Web 2.0) (Link 1)

.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html Tim O'Reilly on What is Web 2.0 (Link 2)

Bausteine: Blogs etc. (Slide 6): Onlinejournalismus Technorati State of the Blogosphere (Link 3) Chili und Ciabatta (Link 4) Winzerblog (Link 5) Spiegelfechter (Link 6) Basic Thinking Blog (Link 7 )

Q & A (via chat)

17:30 wikis: https media cooperation

example of a wiki : / / (Link 8)

Other forms of publication:

Photos: Flickr (Link 9)

Videos: YouTube (Link 10)

Podcasts: GCast (Link 11)

Power Point presentations: Slideshare (Link 12)

Mind Maps: Mindmeister (Link 13)

Beispielblog: Change Management Blog (Link 14)


LinkedIn : Business Netzwerk (Link 15)

Facebook : Meganetzwerk (Link 16)

Dopplr : Vielreisende (Link 17)

Ning : Metanetzwerk (Link 18)

Delicious : Lesezeichen (Link 19)

und viel, viel mehr, siehe hier (Link 20)

Q&A (via Chat)

17.45 dimensions:

- technological dimension:

first Better bandwidth and wide accessibility of the Internet

second Increase in mobile devices for Internet use

third Mashup, RSS feeds, embedded objects etc.: / watch (Link 21) Michael Wesch's video "The Machine is Using Us"

- social dimension: communities. The Streisand effect

- cultural dimension: network culture. You are what you share. Resolution the concept of copyright

- economic dimension: Wikinomics, The Long Tail, anyone can earn on the Internet, viral marketing

Kevin Kelly: New Rules for the New Economy ( Link 22)

Seth Godin: Tribes (Link 23)

Wikinomics (slide or web (Link 23)

The Long Tail (slide or web (Link 24) )

viral marketing: eg Nike (Link 25) , or WillItBlend (Link 26 ) Ryanair, or UFOs over Haiti (Link 27)

18:00 A few examples:

Innocentive (Link 28)

Mechanical Turk (Link 29) (Link 30)

OhMyNews (Link 31)

BarackObama (Link 32)

Kiva (Link 33)

My Starbucks Idea (Link 34)

Daimler Blog (Link 35)

IBM Value Jams (see ppt)

Q & A (via chat)

18:10 to Practice:

easiest: Blogging

- Wordpress (Link 36)

- Typepad (Link 37)

- Change Management Community (Link 38)

source code or WYSIWYG example of a blog article (Link 39)

Like everything in life: passion and responsibility

Q & A (via chat)

18:20 A few more words on network identity and then to what the 2nd Webinar happened:

Program Webinar 2:

· overview of applications and how it integrates into blogs: wikis, video, photos, podcasts, wikis, etc.

Videos (youtube)
photos (flickr, picasa)

widgets in podcasts general

· The Super Blogger - what they like
· business bloggers and blogging companies
• For what can a blog using all
· principles of the blogosphere (cross-links, blogroll), other blogs
· Blog Ching reading Software (Wordpress, Blogger, Typepad, etc.), advantages and disadvantages
· Tagging
· RSS Feeds
· Analyse
· Eigene URL
· Andere Applikationen einbinden (Flickr; YouTube; Slideshare)
· Rechtliches – Copyright; Creative Commons
· HTML; einige Grundlagen: <> ; ;
· Widgets einbinden
· Wikis – wie und wozu?
· Praktische Arbeit an einem Blog

18.30 Ende des 1. Webinars

Anmeldung für das 2. Webinar: (Link 40)

Canon Sx110is As Webcam

Webinar 2: for LA blogging

Program Webinar 2 - Blogging

etc. What is a Blog:
web diary, but that describes only the first form. So the difference between a normal blog and website: a website is fairly static and the form and content are intertwined. A blog is usually arranged chronologically - but that can be manipulated. Form and content are separated. With a blog you share with the world, for any reason whatsoever, but this is probably mainly

- networks
- Marketing
- self-presentation
- making money
- Improve

world you have other reasons why you want to write a blog?
to blogging are three things
- Leave
- track the Bloggersphere and other blogs commenting
- link and embed

only the combination of these three things from a real blogger

first makes Leave

Question: From a professional point of view: Should I separate professional contributions and more personal information strictly? How is this so common?
What is your goal? Why Blog do you want? (The concept may even develop further over time). So, then the decision:

Frage: Ist es sinnvoll, sich beim Bloggen quasi für einige Themen zu entscheiden oder ggf. sogar mehrere Blogs für mehrere Themen einzurichten?

Auf jeden Fall - es ist aber eine ungeheure Arbeit, mehrere Blogs zu pflegen. Wenn die Themen verwandt sind, würde ich sie auf einem Blog lassen

Schauen wir uns mal kurz andere Blogger an: (Link 1)

Why are people blogging (Link 2 )

The Super Blogger - what they like blogosphere / blogging-for-profit / (Link 3)

business bloggers and blogging companies

Swisscom (Link 4)

Plaza Hotel (Staff Blog): (Link 5 )

General Motors: (Link 6)

Bangladesh Corporate: (Link 7)

NGO Blogs:

Technical Assistance: (Link 8)

While Jonathan Schwartz , CEO of Sun Microsystems claims that "... having a blog is not going to be a matter of choice, any more than having e-mail is today", CEO of Naseba , Scott Ragsdale believes that blogging helps him stay focused on his climb.

Who writes - only one person or a group?

is usually a personal blog (share in more than 90% of the cases, in some cases, some people have a blog). What make of larger companies (eg IBM) is that many people have their own blogs and these blogs are all featured on a common side

IBM: / (Link 9)

From a professional point of view: If I professional contributions and more personal information strikt trennen? Wie ist das so üblich?

Was ist Ihr Ziel? (Ich würde es trennen. Kommt auf die persönlichen Informationen an. Ich denke ein Blog kann immer ein bisschen persönlich sein."

Welche Software

a) Blogger
b) wordpress
c) Typepadd) eine gemeinsame Blogplattform, z.B. auf Basis von Ning (kein aktiver link) / Systemische Inspiration (kein aktiver link) , Deutsch-Netzwerk, FNAsia
oder Change Management Toolbook (Link 10)

Jetzt arbeiten Let's an example ...

What is also important: tagging. Tags are the signs of Bloggersphere. Tagging is controversial. Some say tagging ensteht a folksonomy, ie a description of the Internet from the bottom - the users decide how they call an article, video, photo, etc., and draw on during the day by other users. The best way to the Delicious (see below).

others say that tagging creates as well as conventional search engines no meaning but is purely descriptive. They swear on the semantic Web, which means (this is the next big revolution that is present on the internet).

To me it is all about how to make blogging professionally, and how long "saved" the information in the network are. Got even a warning that Google, once set, blog content, so to speak no more "hergibt" .., it should therefore carefully consider whether to use this medium, and whether in a few years ago with the same content / statements connection would be (for example, even one's own thesis appears to an even later ..;-); or need revision - now purely fictitious - with a wide range of training would you charge for a change of employer and perhaps other issues to the fore , the other buzz but still around .. In addition, blogs seem, to my knowledge, in search engines are always on top, so the first source of information that is available when someone googles a name.). The alarm was sounded, of course, especially in the direction of "private communications", but I think the lines are blurred ... For such reasons, I was previously blogging over yet restrained.

course, I also see the opportunities that it contains, concerning not only the link, and will sooner or later, seriously think about it .. ;-) My colleagues are certainly very enthusiastic Blogger ..
The Internet never forgets see (Link 11)

second The follow Bloggersphere and other blogs commenting

No one knows how many blogs there are, but there are probably several hundred million. In every conceivable field, there are many blogs.

If you blog, you can not live in a vacuum, but is inserted into the largest network under the internet and still above Facebook. So it's like to watch other bloggers, but also other organs of publication on the web.

First of all they have to find (Link 12)

Google Blog Search (Link 13)

Digg (Link 14)

Twitter : (Link 15)

Delicious (Link 16)


per hour Blog writing should be at least half hours at hour blog reading schedule

The blogs that appeal to you, you subscribe to RSS feeds

can with our RSS feeds but also search for specific tags subscribe

You should regularly comment on other blog article to the joint discussion on the network to participate but also to highlight the attention

example .. .

What are RSS feeds?



question: Is there a possibility that blog users are kept informed when a new entry is present? The

have the user decide for themselves - the famous RSS feed: Web 2.0 is not a push medium, such as Web 1.0, but more of a pull medium, d.h. der Nutzer entscheidet, was er lesen will.

Frage: Die Blogerstellung scheint mir weniger die Schwierigkeit, als die Aufmerksamkeit über einen längeren Zeitraum aufrecht zu erhalten. Sollte man da der Selbstorganisation vertrauen und/ oder gezielte Impulse als Bloginitiator setzen und wenn ja welche?

Hier geht es offensichtlich um einen Gemeinschaftsblog? Schwierig, wenn nicht die entsprechende Energie da ist (Gegenbeispiel- Es gilt das Open-Space Prinzip: Leidenschaft und Veanwtwortlichkeit

3. verlinken, zitieren und einbetten

Wenn man andere Blogs sowie andere Medien verfolgt, muss man diese auch zitieren, verlinken und einbetten. Dadurch created the network. Quote is still the simplest. It simply copies a part of the original text in his blog and comment it - of course provided that the source and link. In general, the more links a blog post are (including information on static Web pages), the more vivid is the blog. Quotes are by insertion and / or italic text - as in the print media.

embed - it can and should be photos, videos, PowerPoint presentations, mind maps, and much else in his blog Embed (via Copyright later). It works like this (example) ...

A few other mechanisms:

The Layout of the blog and additional features. The layout of the blog, of course, should look professional. In most cases this is quite simple ...

Widgets are small applications that you can insert and update dynamically

analysis of traffic and the RSS feed Subscriber (automatically by Word Press, via Feedburner or Google Analytics by bloggers).


Question: Can I set up a blog for your own domain, as for a Web site? So, for example, as blog? Is it relevant at all, whether I blog or a "traditional" Web site that?

Yes - you can enter in the blog menu. There are two possibilities: either the / the blog runs on the server, the blog software and the URL points to the BlogURL (eg or the blog is hosted on your own page (eg What is a traditional website? It's (you can achieve similar but with a CMS) when blogging about technology, which offers not a conventional website.

Disclaimer - Copyright: caution is necessary here, but not too much. Creator of a work according to copyright law in Germany and Austria who der es geschaffen hat. Damit genießt er den vollen Schutz des Urheberrechts.

Im deutschen Recht entstehen Urheberrechte automatisch mit der Schaffung eines Werks.

Es entwickelt sich aber eine neue Grundlage des Copyrights im Internet

Creative Commons: (Link 17)

HTML; einige Grundlagen: &lt;&gt;; (Link 18)

Wenn man etwas professioneller bloggen will, are some basic HTML knowledge very useful

more detail: Self HTML, (Link 19)

Practical work a blog:

- not left alone in IT and not the PR department, it must itself make

Question: If I create for a company a blog and look after, how much monthly expenditure of time would you estimate you ?

Do we need to discuss in detail - what does that serve? Henceforth write the company?

Question: I am working as a freelance consultant. In which cases would you recommend a blog client, and when this tool is more of a time waster?

If the customer has products to develop for the people passion - is to tell such great cars, or more exciting - for example hotels

question: What is your point of view the most secure platform for blogs and how can I argue against retaining customers?

Very difficult to say. WordPress and TypePad both seem to be very stable, and also have Geschaäftsmodelle for companies. Blogger is Google

I would not try to convince customers of something. But to tell that the time progresses and that the young generation cares for other forms of communication than the older ones.

Question: I worked for a long time with Space Team as well as to an intranet, platforms on which you can organize well as virtual team? Where do you see the main advantage of blogs over such a tool?

visibility (blogs are always read by many, not the blog). The form is clear that latest is always at the front

A few remarks on Wiki (Link 20) \u200b\u200b

questions about Ning

Suitable this offer to participants in our development as the EU fund-raisers (such as a rate of about 20 people) to each other to network?

Can we set up the so-sure that only the participants of a limited group have access?

you can work as well as materials Upload (eg Word, PDF, etc.) and can set files all network members?

what extent has the access to the content provider Ning?

Can I make the design as my website?

2 Month Old Choking On Phlemn

Who we are

Holger Nauheimer worked for 20 years as a consultant, trainer and coach for the private and the public sector and non-governmental organizations. His activities led him to more than 50 countries in Europe, North, Central and South America, Africa and Asia. His passion is the transformation-oriented monitoring of projects to staff, team and organizational development. As Posted Change Management Toolbook , the most successful and most frequently cited collection of material for the management of change and as the founder of the international Change Facilitation Associates Network , he has made to demonstrate its ability to conduct international and job-specific teams and with a common to combine language. Holger Nauheimer trains for over 15 years as a consultant.

Faster means change in organizations Holger Nauheimer the use of presence-just as virtual technologies. The link between change management and Web 2.0 knowledge enables the integration of large groups of actors in change processes. For this, the optimal mix of international and professionally oriented experts is used.

3 Advantages Of Water Cooled Engines

Webinars: Social Web technologies useful in the business use

You are cordially invited to attend a four-part series of online seminars on the topic of Web 2.0 in Business . Participation is free of charge on the first webinar, you shall make no commitments.
want to use decision-makers in companies and non-profit organizations, the new media in your communication:
audience. Consultants, trainers and other providers of services, which are characterized by high communication needs. Companion and actors in change processes.

These are the topics :

a Webinar (27.2.2009, 17-18.30 Clock GMT): How do social media, the business world.

The new social media have raised in recent years, a second Internet revolution. Production, customer service, design, research and development and many other key business functions are increasingly outsourced to the Internet. At the same time grow the possibilities of citizen participation in political processes. The first webinar in our series, a variety of examples will be shown how social media can be used in organizational development and communication with stakeholders. Is Web 2.0 just hype? Should we join it? What benefits can my business / my organization davon haben, sich im sozialen Netz zu engagieren? Kann Web 2.0 die Welt verändern (und die Art, wie wir arbeiten und leben)?

Detailiertes Progamm und Links

Webinar 2 (6.3.2009, 17-18.30 Uhr MEZ): Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, Slideshows etc. - Wie Sie mit Ihren Kunden in Dialog treten können

So, wie es vor 10 Jahren hieß, keine Organisation kann es sich leisten, keine Webseite zu haben, gilt heute: Keine Organisation kann es sich leisten, nicht in Interaktion mit ihren Stakeholdern zu treten. Viele Unternehmen nutzen bereits solche Tools. In diesem Webinar werden Sie lernen, welche Tools die richtigen für Sie sind und wie Sie den Einstieg . Create If you already use such tools, you will receive practical tips to optimize your strategy. How and where I blog the most? What are tags and what they are using? What is folksonomy? Is a Wiki right for my internal or external communication? How do I improve the attractiveness of my blog? Does it make sense, videos and audio files on the net see? How do I embed it in blogs? What are mash-ups and widgets? How is that even with the copyright?

Webinar 3 (13.3.2009, 17-18.30 Clock PST): Twitter - a new technology is revolutionizing the Web

Twitter is one of the last developments of the Web. The micro-blogging service allows Create networks that directly and quickly to discuss issues and forward short information. Twitter is already used by many organizations. In this webinar to learn how to make Twitter useful for itself and communication with partners, peers and customers. What tools are available, their use to improve the performance Twiiter makes sense? Twitter must be real?

Webinar 4 (20.3.2009, 17-18.30 Clock GMT): networking and netiquette

learn last webinar of the series, as result from a responsible and passionate action new partnerships. The opportunities with clients, peers, opinion leaders to join and even opinion leaders in a particular topic are numerous. What are the basic rules and mechanisms for this? How do I use RSS feeds to be efficiently meet the flood of data? What other networks like Facebood, LinkedIn, Xing, etc. should I use?

If necessary, the series continues. In each of the webinars of course, your questions are answered. The series of events is practical. You get specific tips on how to use new technologies. All Webinars are documented in detail, so you can track all information in the future in peace.

Webinarleiter is Holger Nauheim. The author of Change Management Toolbook is internationally renowned for his journalistic work and his work in organizations. For two years, Holger Nauheimer deals with the use of new technologies to support processes of change in economy and society.


If you wish to participate in the Webinar # 1, please send an email to . The technological platform, we will be using Dimdim. That means: no downloads, all you need is a headset or speakers.

As I said, taking part in the first webinar is free, and participating ist begrenzt. Wenn Sie dann an der weiteren Reihe teilnehmen wollen, kostet Sie dies € 168 plus USt für die gesamten restlichen drei Seminare. Sie gehen mit der Anmeldung zum ersten Webinar keinerlei Verpflichtungen ein.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme und bitten Sie, diese Nachricht an interessierte Kollegen weiterzuleiten.

Older More Frequent Menstruation Or Periods

Webinar 3: Advanced Blogging and Twitter

Webinar 3

Thema 1: Bloggen für fortgeschrittene Anfänger

Noch mal zum Arbeiten mit Medien

Youtube (Link 1)


Vmeo: (Link 2)


Flickr (Link 3)

free stock photos (Link 4)

Getty Images (Link 5)

Plainpicture (Link 6)


Slideshare (Link 7)

Other widgets (Link 8 )

Example: (map of visitors) (Link 9)

blog as a website:

http://permakultur-info. de / (Link 10) (Link 11)

RSS feeds

Share this (Link 12)

Reader RSS feed reader Google Reader / # overview-page (Link 13) (Link 14)

We can currently just our site redesign, so it is a perfect time to link a parallel set up blog (and RSS, Twitter, wikis, etc.) with it. Can you give to tips on what we experience, should take so that we achieve the desired synergy?

- comment, comment, comment

- many Links

- RSS feeds Install

you desperately need a web-based RSS feed reader? (My two current RSS arrive in the mail program, but I feel that you can choose to blog only for Web-based programs). If so, what could you recommend?

I use Outlook and Google Reader

Could you say something to trackbacks to blogs? How to as "recyclers" and incorporates how the "author" to see which Trackbacks you have.

this, I do not know much more is available here:

We were already on the Copyrights and talk because you had cautioned. Consider this example, I would sure like to say a little more detail. Is it permissible for example to link each movie file, which was put on Youtube, with your own blog. Specifically: In recent days, a new CD from U2 and published in parallel to land for various live performances to Video on Youtube (eg ). How about that?

asks Youtube (hidden) as to whether you allow the embedding of the video. Yes is Default. That is, if one can embed a video, the user has given his permission (the same at Slideshare). Photos is critical, always watching Creative Commons License.

What literature (online and books) can you recommend to Web 2.0 and the topics covered in the webinar?

- Wikinomics

- Tribes

- Groundswell

- The Long Tail

otherwise: Blogs and Twitter


first What is it? Who twitters?

second What is special? Why should you twitter?

third How it works: D @ RT

4th Professional Tools - Tweetdeck Twhirl Twubble Twitpick power twitter, etc.

It is said that one should not use - and why not really: Which program would you recommend the use of Twitter? - All general asked: How is this to the groups with Twitter?

# hashtags

5th Embed URL: TinURL etc.

6th Twitter Search #

Some suggestions Twitter for following: (Topic: Twitter Help) (Topic: online media world, in German) (Topic: Politics, media, etc.) (one of the opinion leaders on Twitter) (policy) aphorisms (news) (news) (Topic: Management) (Topic: Project Management) (social initiatives in the network) (Topic: online media) (Topic: Enterprise 2.0) interesting (the subject of change management 2.0)

Also: (Link 15) (Link 16)

jobs, for example in London: Jobs & category = people & source = find_on_twitter (Link 17)

student twittered his way out of Egyptian prison / (Link 18)

Twitter Tips: E2% 80% 93-over-100-twitter-tips-and-tools / (Link 19)

@ Twitter Minxuan tells her story (Twitter as blog search engine) (Link 20) \u200b\u200b

Could you give again a brief overview of the platforms for which applications and users on the most suitable are:

When should you use twitter, when blogging, when ning use when Wicki, when facebook ... ?

(The background of my question I realized that I would like to show my business customers quickly in an overview of the possibilities that the Web has to offer 2.0).

Are we clear in conversation

For several months I love my I-Pod and appreciate. Now I've read that I can twitter him too. Maybe you could help me there on the jumps.

Tweetie is for me the Program of choice (refer to iStore)

Could you please show once again how (and where) you commented on other blogs?

clear, I'm there

it in the search of related blogs tricks as with other research. I have my own blog, for example, can not find without typing the exact title?

It is such a bit of a rabbit and game, also it takes a while to the blog search engines have indexed new blogs: For most (Technorati, Digg, etc.) it will help to register. But Twitter is becoming increasingly important in the blog search. And the use von Tags ist sehr, sehr wichtig

ich würde gerne noch einmal auf die Konferenz zu sprechen kommen, auf der jeder einen Blog bekommen hat. Welcher Sinn war dahinter, die Teilnehmer auf einer geschlossenen Plattform austauschen zu lassen, wenn ich alle doch direkt vor Ort habe? Was wurde damit erreicht? Welche Zielsetzung stand dahinter?

Das ist eine längere Geschichte und das erzähle ich im Webinar

Noch ein Beispiel für Conference twittering:

ich würde gerne über die Nutzung von Twittern sprechen. Ich finde es very very confusing, since it is increasingly directed to new pages and the feeling of losing oneself. Where to stay himself when twittering. I found this article interesting to me ; / 4852 ;

also several in the webinar. The first two mentioned article, I commented as follows:

Twitter is indeed in Germany still just beginning. Apparently there was last week some 30,000 German-speaking Twitter user, that is, those at least sometimes in German . Twittern Rising. For me the question is not whether I should tweet or not, just as is provided for me the question of email, not 15 years ago, at its Web site 12 years ago and for blog 3 years ago. Tweet will be in a few years a natural communication technology, such as email, SMS, etc. Until then, we must learn to deal with it, and it certainly is hitherto much improved filtering mechanisms give (Tweetdeck is ever quite good - I have several columns, such as close Friends, Search for Change Management, Replies, etc. defined. That helps a lot).

The applications, which are indicated in the cast of Minxuan slideshow will be greatly expanded: Civil protection, marketing, personal communication ("where we have lunch?"), News, etc.

little anecdote: My employee for virtual reality questions (@ MsTumble) told me yesterday that she first checked out only every day, their email, because yes it communicates via Twitter, and second, that they did not subscribed to more blogs with RSS feeds, since you mention about the important information gets read and can then

when at meetings, conferences, etc. twittering, then is not the disclosure by the absorption of Twittering lost? Who has the benefits of Twitter in a conference?

Yes and No (a bit). But writing with a pen on a sheet of paper lent from it. The benefit: a documentary "from below"

and finally even the time frame for Twitter, even "if it is for the quick" I need my time to take my power to maintain. In one of the articles above, is that just bloggers and micro blogging. That is to say yes, then even more hours on the computer or?

Yes, unless you learn to deal effectively with it: Twitter could be used to increase efficiency. I realize that I get less emails slowly (or am I the only one?)

Prof. Kruse says in an interview with Digital Natives from a discipline in dealing with the information and use of the Internet in order to use it as a collective intelligence. I would like to know how they see the most in terms of digital (native), which are so different with the medium size.

The question I would like to park for the last webinar.

you moderate with large group practices. As you can see here the benefits of blogging twitterns?

More in this webinar

Pointy Nose On Ultrasound

Webinar 4: The question of meaning, and other practical

Today it is again killed Twitter (of course), then to networks in general, a bit to Facebook to wikis, the integration of everything, and then of course, the question of meaning. At the request of Hans, we are also a bit of HTML.

Small interactive exercise at the beginning (15 minutes):

first Exchanged in the private chat you about how has for you the world of Web 2.0 open. What have you experienced? What have you learned? What's you encounter on your trip? What has surprised you? What has been stoned to you?

second Keep your most important Erlebnisse auf einem gemeinsamen Wiki fest:
(Link 1)
Password: change

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
Es ist gut, ein paar Grundbegriffe von HTML zu kennen. Hier ein paar wichtige Grundlagen:
1. Alles, was in < > steht, ist HTML, der Rest ist Content, der auf der Webseite erscheint
2. Im allgemeinen wird ein Befehl mit <* abcd> begonnen und mit &lt;/*&gt; beendet, also z.B
&lt;a href=""&gt; Dies ist ein Link zu Flickr &lt;/a&gt;
This is a link to Flickr set

Most of the blog and wiki software HTML tags automatically

\u0026lt;a href="" .target="_blank"> This is a link to Flickr \u0026lt;/ a>
means that the link will open in a new window

\u0026lt;br> means line break and will not be closed, as opposed to \u0026lt;p> what paragraph means (will be closed with \u0026lt;/ p>)

A code for the inclusion of an image is so
standard variant
\u0026lt;img src="bild.jpg">

advanced game
\u0026lt;img src="bild.jpg" align="right" width="68" height="56" border="0" alt="Bild">

Important: Never, really Never text from MS Word or other applications with cut and paste transfer. Microsoft programs add a plethora of unnecessary extra code. To clean up, there is the wonderful
HTML Cleaner (Link 2)

Specific questions about HTML?


My view, use the following currently the core networks to which one should make a decision ( or not use)

All other freestyle, meaning they are not really important, but can enrich life

the Bloggersphere generally

meta-network (which one ever can use as needed for specific tasks)

Change Management Toolbook

Additional important platforms, particularly for larger organizations that want to reach as many people

YouTube Channel: http:// / user / GreenpeaceVideo (Link 3) (Link 4)

is the embedding of YouTube videos each account + browser possible, or the only additional plugin
in blogs? Or Twitter? In blogs, it is generally possible. Certain video formats (Flash flv =) need a plugin that most have, however, on their PC.

Flickr (Link 5) (Link 6) (Link 7)
(Link 8)

Slideshare (Link 9)

karn monika: How regularly and carry out structured monitoring a blog? Is there any software?
monitor other blogs, RSS feeds

-Twitter Search (Link 10)
-Tweetmeme (Link 11)
-Technorati (Link 12)
-Stumbleupon (Link 13)

Monitoring des eigenen Blogs
- Statistik z.B. auf Wordpress (Beispiel: ) (Link 15)
- Feedburner (Beispiel /fb/a/myfeeds?gsessionid=OLmKCvYjU1anMLjNcauECg ) (Link 16)
- Google / analytics https: / / (Link 17)
- Technorati (example: claims / ) (Link 18)
- Twitter Search

Johanna Willems: I am interested in the content, Mobile & Twitter yet, how does it work?
especially over the Internet feature of the phone, for example with mobile web ( ) or Tweetie ( )
Other smartphones: karn

monika: How to link to twitter - how does it work with the TinyURLs, which are found there? (Link 19) (Link 20) (Link 21)

Sandra: one more question: I see the connection yet in the use of different plug-ins / programs so completely, as Power Twitter and Tweetdeck - you can do everything just by Teewtdeck, or you need the Plugin ....

helga: You spoke of it, programs that build on Twitter. What's beyond power-Twitter?

very much and the scenery is very confusing. I've tried about 10-20 different programs and most are not interesting to me. Some are very exciting for special tasks, such as Twitter Fountain ( ). (Link 22)

I use: Power
Twitter for Mozilla for Search
Tweetdeck for the greatest part
Twitterrific on my iPhone (Twitpic integrated)

Twitter is an either / or decision? That is, if I decide to, I should then täglich machen? Oder macht es auch Sinn, wenn ich unregelmäßig (z.B. auch nur mal 2 Tage die Woche) twittere?

Wenn z.B. Berater 3 Tage durchgehend auf Geschäftsreise/Tagung/Seminar sind und dort nur begrenzt Zugang zum Internet haben (vielleicht 1 Std./Abend) und sie melden sich dann erst am 4. Tag wieder über Twitter - ist dann der "Effekt" weg?

Wie kann ich pragmatisch twittern, ohne meine Aufmerksamkeit von dem Strom mitreißen zu lassen?

Wie relevant ist Twitter für das Marketing kleiner Unternehmen?

ich würde gerne noch einmal auf die Konferenz zu sprechen kommen, auf der jeder einen Blog bekommen hat. Welcher Sinn war dahinter, die Teilnehmer auf einer geschlossenen Plattform austauschen zu lassen, wenn ich alle doch direkt vor Ort habe? Was wurde damit erreicht? Welche Zielsetzung stand dahinter?

Hältst Du z.B. das Übermitteln von Kernthesen live von einer Fachtagung für sinnvoll?

Ich würde gerne über die Nutzung von Twittern sprechen. Ich finde es sehr sehr unübersichtlich, da man immer weiter auf neue Seiten gelenkt wird und das Gefühl, sich zu verlieren. Wo bleibt man selber, wenn man twittert.

Mehr dazu im Webinar

helga: Könntest Du noch einmal einen kurzen Überblick geben, welche Plattformen for which applications and users on the most suitable are: When should you use twitter, when blogging, when ning use when Wicki, when facebook ... ? (The background of my question I realized that I would like to show my business customers quickly in an overview of the opportunities that are offered at the Web 2.0

Johanna Willems: I would like to know me, which formats / platforms make synergistic sense Be? ? Xing, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Web sites ... If you do not it can run so intensely like you to network so you have to select and combine effectively.

It depends on the webinar ... More

First even a paar Bemerkungen zum Thema Facebook für professionelle Arbeit nutzen

Zum Thema professioneller Facebook-Auftritt: (Link 23)

Zum Thema Werbung auf Facebook: (Link 24)

Ellen Show: /ellentv?sid=7b78c083141a2abc4922368147a17908&amp;ref=s (Link 25)

Barack Obama;init=q&amp;q=barack%20obama&amp;sid=8434273ea7f83e442030ee4b5546643f# /barackobama?sid=8434273ea7f83e442030ee4b5546643f&amp;ref=s (Link 26)

Meine Inbox:;ref=mb#/inbox/readmessage.php?t=1054491676449&amp;mbox_pos=0 (Link 27)

Coca Cola:;viewas=539757620 (Link 28)

Greenpeace:;viewas=539757620#/s.php?ref=search&amp;init=q&amp;q=greenpeace&amp;sid=8aa040e98a8d326f0ac984e55cdd2d3c (Link 29)

Vorteile der Facebook-Nutzung

Niederschwellige Verbindung zwischen Anbieter und Nutzer
Kommunizieren auf anderen Plattformen (werde Fan von mir)
Möglichkeit, Applications installieren

Frage: Wie schafft eine Community, wenn man Tampons verkauft?
Antwort: (Link 30)

Beispiele für deutsche Untenehmen, die aktive Web 2.0 nutzen

(Liste von Benedikt Köhler )

helga: next time we can also treat Wicki?

Sure, we do. So Wikis

Wikipedia says: A Wiki ( Hawaiian for "quick" [1] ), less commonly WikiWiki or WikiWeb called, is a Hypertext system, the contents of the users not only read but also online can be changed. This property is provided by a simplified content management system , or the so-called wiki software wiki engine. To edit the contents is an easy-used-to-learn markup language.

Wikis allow different authors, to work cooperatively toward texts . Target of a wiki, it is generally the experience and of knowledge der Autoren kollaborativ auszudrücken ( Kollektive Intelligenz ). Sie können sowohl auf einem einzelnen Rechner ( Desktop-Wiki ), in lokalen Netzwerken oder im Internet eingesetzt werden. Auch wenn das Konzept vor allem in Verbindung mit der Freie Inhalte -Bewegung bekannt wurde und in dieser ein zentrales Medium zur Inhaltserstellung darstellt, nutzen auch Hersteller proprietärer Inhalte Wikis als Präsentationsform.

essential in most wiki software, including the standard used in the Wikipedia even MediaWiki and often used in corporate intranets TWiki is the restore versioning that allows the users in case of mistakes or vandalism , an earlier version a page . As usual with hypertext , is each page of a wiki with cross-references (hyperlinks ) interconnected; for linking various wikis is the concept of interwiki links.

There is a plethora of commercial and non-commercial platforms to wikis, for example

http:/ / prints (Link 39)

a good overview of free Wikiplattformen it here: -236 844 /

Here is a comprehensive directory of German-language wiki:

Johanna Willems: And if someone else experiences with Second Life & Business, has something else would interesieren me very much. Like to: Thank you and goodbye

jacqueline spirit: looks like a pragmatic approach in the whole web of jungle 2.0, if I do not set additional staff and my time does not want to nuke complex question ... but maybe there are just a few relation quick wins, which cost a great use / have. thank

Could you give again a brief overview of the platforms for which applications and users on the most appropriate:

- keyword pragmatic approach to such platforms Formenn - the number of networks (XING, Facebook, LinkeIn) should I update my profile? What do you consider to be professional? (I am now only on XING)

- Networking (strategic) versus personal relationship maintenance: How do you stand? What do you propagate? What I have more success as for the (indirect) job acquisition ...? > More Energy on, to spread wide and anonymous (Twitter), or through personal contacts a few, but possibly more relevant to create awareness, build confidence (and possibly orders) - which makes more sense? Always both operate in parallel?

- My colleagues and I am also still the "essential question" ...

- What can introverted people to participate in these more extroverted techniques / methods / marketing efforts? What are low-deals (apart from the Direct Messaging)? How can those who participate in meaningful, by its very nature, "on stage" not so much, the less self-presentation have ambitions? Will they be suspended? What about them, if established security technologies such as Twitter and equity markets are?

> There are people that tell themselves prefer the "Setting" is right, the better operate in small groups to avoid the "stage" ... Do they simply out of luck if they do not throw themselves into the stream? If so, is the excerpt that I see it on Twitter, not a very small, relative to the potential around it (do not stay too many professionals, experts, thinkers out there)? And what if I might also want to connect like too in touch with others who do not Sun technology-affine, or even simply have no capacity for this time-intensive medium?