Today it is again killed Twitter (of course), then to networks in general, a bit to Facebook to wikis, the integration of everything, and then of course, the question of meaning. At the request of Hans, we are also a bit of HTML.
first Exchanged in the private chat you about how has for you the world of Web 2.0 open. What have you experienced? What have you learned? What's you encounter on your trip? What has surprised you? What has been stoned to you?
second Keep your most important Erlebnisse auf einem gemeinsamen Wiki fest: (Link 1)
Password: change
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
Es ist gut, ein paar Grundbegriffe von HTML zu kennen. Hier ein paar wichtige Grundlagen:
1. Alles, was in < > steht, ist HTML, der Rest ist Content, der auf der Webseite erscheint
2. Im allgemeinen wird ein Befehl mit <* abcd> begonnen und mit </*> beendet, also z.B
<a href=""> Dies ist ein Link zu Flickr </a>
This is a link to Flickr set
Most of the blog and wiki software HTML tags automatically
\u0026lt;a href="" .target="_blank"> This is a link to Flickr \u0026lt;/ a>
means that the link will open in a new window
\u0026lt;br> means line break and will not be closed, as opposed to \u0026lt;p> what paragraph means (will be closed with \u0026lt;/ p>)
A code for the inclusion of an image is so
standard variant
\u0026lt;img src="bild.jpg">
advanced game
\u0026lt;img src="bild.jpg" align="right" width="68" height="56" border="0" alt="Bild">
Important: Never, really Never text from MS Word or other applications with cut and paste transfer. Microsoft programs add a plethora of unnecessary extra code. To clean up, there is the wonderful
HTML Cleaner (Link 2)
Specific questions about HTML?
My view, use the following currently the core networks to which one should make a decision ( or not use)All other freestyle, meaning they are not really important, but can enrich life
the Bloggersphere generally
meta-network (which one ever can use as needed for specific tasks)
Change Management Toolbook
Additional important platforms, particularly for larger organizations that want to reach as many people
YouTube Channel: http:// / user / GreenpeaceVideo (Link 3) (Link 4)
is the embedding of YouTube videos each account + browser possible, or the only additional plugin
in blogs? Or Twitter? In blogs, it is generally possible. Certain video formats (Flash flv =) need a plugin that most have, however, on their PC. (Link 6) (Link 7) (Link 8)
Slideshare (Link 9)
karn monika: How regularly and carry out structured monitoring a blog? Is there any software?
monitor other blogs, RSS feeds
-Twitter Search (Link 10)
-Tweetmeme (Link 11)
-Technorati (Link 12)
-Stumbleupon (Link 13)
Monitoring des eigenen Blogs
- Statistik z.B. auf Wordpress (Beispiel: ) (Link 15)
- Feedburner (Beispiel /fb/a/myfeeds?gsessionid=OLmKCvYjU1anMLjNcauECg ) (Link 16)
- Google / analytics https: / / (Link 17)
- Technorati (example: claims / ) (Link 18)
- Twitter Search
Johanna Willems: I am interested in the content, Mobile & Twitter yet, how does it work?
especially over the Internet feature of the phone, for example with mobile web ( ) or Tweetie ( )
Other smartphones: karn (Link 19) (Link 20) (Link 21)
Sandra: one more question: I see the connection yet in the use of different plug-ins / programs so completely, as Power Twitter and Tweetdeck - you can do everything just by Teewtdeck, or you need the Plugin ....
helga: You spoke of it, programs that build on Twitter. What's beyond power-Twitter?very much and the scenery is very confusing. I've tried about 10-20 different programs and most are not interesting to me. Some are very exciting for special tasks, such as Twitter Fountain ( ). (Link 22)
I use: PowerTwitter for Mozilla for Search
Tweetdeck for the greatest part
Twitterrific on my iPhone (Twitpic integrated)
Twitter is an either / or decision? That is, if I decide to, I should then täglich machen? Oder macht es auch Sinn, wenn ich unregelmäßig (z.B. auch nur mal 2 Tage die Woche) twittere?
Wenn z.B. Berater 3 Tage durchgehend auf Geschäftsreise/Tagung/Seminar sind und dort nur begrenzt Zugang zum Internet haben (vielleicht 1 Std./Abend) und sie melden sich dann erst am 4. Tag wieder über Twitter - ist dann der "Effekt" weg?
Wie kann ich pragmatisch twittern, ohne meine Aufmerksamkeit von dem Strom mitreißen zu lassen?Wie relevant ist Twitter für das Marketing kleiner Unternehmen?
ich würde gerne noch einmal auf die Konferenz zu sprechen kommen, auf der jeder einen Blog bekommen hat. Welcher Sinn war dahinter, die Teilnehmer auf einer geschlossenen Plattform austauschen zu lassen, wenn ich alle doch direkt vor Ort habe? Was wurde damit erreicht? Welche Zielsetzung stand dahinter?Hältst Du z.B. das Übermitteln von Kernthesen live von einer Fachtagung für sinnvoll?
Ich würde gerne über die Nutzung von Twittern sprechen. Ich finde es sehr sehr unübersichtlich, da man immer weiter auf neue Seiten gelenkt wird und das Gefühl, sich zu verlieren. Wo bleibt man selber, wenn man twittert.Mehr dazu im Webinar
helga: Könntest Du noch einmal einen kurzen Überblick geben, welche Plattformen for which applications and users on the most suitable are: When should you use twitter, when blogging, when ning use when Wicki, when facebook ... ? (The background of my question I realized that I would like to show my business customers quickly in an overview of the opportunities that are offered at the Web 2.0Johanna Willems: I would like to know me, which formats / platforms make synergistic sense Be? ? Xing, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Web sites ... If you do not it can run so intensely like you to network so you have to select and combine effectively.
It depends on the webinar ... More
First even a paar Bemerkungen zum Thema Facebook für professionelle Arbeit nutzen
Zum Thema professioneller Facebook-Auftritt: (Link 23)Zum Thema Werbung auf Facebook: (Link 24)
Ellen Show: /ellentv?sid=7b78c083141a2abc4922368147a17908&ref=s (Link 25)Barack Obama /barackobama?sid=8434273ea7f83e442030ee4b5546643f&ref=s (Link 26)
Meine Inbox: (Link 27)
Coca Cola: (Link 28)Vorteile der Facebook-Nutzung
Niederschwellige Verbindung zwischen Anbieter und NutzerKommunizieren auf anderen Plattformen (werde Fan von mir)
Möglichkeit, Applications installieren
Frage: Wie schafft eine Community, wenn man Tampons verkauft?
Antwort: (Link 30)
Beispiele für deutsche Untenehmen, die aktive Web 2.0 nutzen
(Liste von Benedikt Köhler )
- Adidas :
- Videos: Adidasfootballtv YouTube channel
- Axel Springer:
- social networks: "my club" application on Facebook
- Microblogging: world compact Twitter
- CH Beck :
- Blog: Beck-Blog
- BMW :
- Videos: YouTube channel (Link 31)
- Microblogging: Concept X1 campaign on Twitter (Link 32)
- Photos: Flickr (Link 33)
- social networks: Facebook (Link 34)
- Campina :
- social networks: Optiwell community
- Cirquent :
- Blogs: Cirquent Blog
- Coca Cola :
- Social Networks: Online Community " Match-WG " " We are the team "EM2008 application on StudiVZ
- Blogs: "We All Speak Football" blog portal
- Daimler :
- Blogs: Staff Blog (Link 35)
- Photos: Daimler Blog Flickr Photo Stream (Link 36)
- Aggregators: Daimler blog stream at Friendfeed
- Slides: Daimler video channel to Slideshare (Link 37)
- Videos: Daimler Blog Kana l (Link 38) and Mercedes-Benz TV on Youtube
- German Telekom :
- Microblogging: Congstar-St. Pauli Twitter Stream and Betabuzz-Twitter Stream
- Dr. Schär :
- social networks: their own community live gluten-free "
- Blogs: gluten-free living and culinary creative
- Wikis: live gluten-free i-Wik knowledge store
- Erdal Rex :
- Blogs: Frog Blog
- Fleurop :
- Ford :
- social networks: Photo competition "In the middle of now" Myspace
- Microblogging: "In the middle of a game" - Twitter Stream
- Videos: "In the middle of a game of" video stream on MyVideo
- FRoSTA :
- Blogs: Staff Blog
- Videos: YouTube channel
- General Motors :
- Blogs: Opel Astra Blogger action Insignia blog
- Videos: GM Europe Web TV on Youtube
- Gerolsteiner :
- Blogs: egg-fe (el) good tour diary
- Pictures: Egg-fe (el) good - Videos Flickr Stream
- : Ah! !-fe (el) good channel on Youtube
- GLS-Bank :
- Microblogging: Twitter
- Graefe and Unzer-Verlag :
- social networks: own recipes community kitchen gods
- Gruner + Jahr :
- social networks: their own community family network
- Henkel :
- Blogs: Persil Blog
- Herbert von Halem Verlag :
- Blogs: Halem-Blog
- Hubert Burda Media :
- Social Networks: eigene Communities BurdaStyle , Freizeitfreunde , HalloHund
- Ippen-Verlagsgruppe :
- Social Networks: tz-Online Community
- Jägermeister :
- Social Networks: Rock-Liga auf MySpace
- Klett-Cotta Verlag :
- Blogs: Klett-Cotta-Blog und Das Frankreich-Blog
- MAWA :
- Blogs: Kleiderbügel-Blog
- Videos: MAWA-Kanäle auf Youtube und Sevenload
- Neckermann :
- Social Networks / Videos: eigene Videocommunity nLounge
- Nike :
- Social Networks: Läufercommunity nike+
- Otto :
- Blogs: “Two for Fashion”-Blog
- Pons :
- Podcast: Ponscast
- Quelle :
- Social Networks: The Big Bad Dance Contest auf Myspace ; Social Shoppinganwendung MyStyle (mittlerweile eingestellt?)
- Siemens :
- Videos: Siemens answers Youtubekanal
- Simyo :
- Blogs: Simyo Blog
- social networks: Crowd Sourced Customer Support by Simyo sponsors
- SinnerSchrader :
- Blogs: fish market
- Sixt :
- Blogs: Sixt Blog
- STA Travel :
- social networks: "DuDrumRum - the project around the world" group, competition and diary StudiVZ
- Tchibo :
- social networks: Crowd Sourcing / idea platform Tchibo Ideas
- Tele 5 :
- Videos: "We Love Cinema" -Youtube channel
- Volkswagen :
- Gaming: Mission Scirocco (but not a social gaming, right?)
- Walter's :
- Blogs: Juice Blog
- Zanox :
- Blogs: Zanox Blog
- Microblogging: Twitter Stream Zanox
helga: next time we can also treat Wicki?
Sure, we do. So WikisWikipedia says: A Wiki ( Hawaiian for "quick" [1] ), less commonly WikiWiki or WikiWeb called, is a Hypertext system, the contents of the users not only read but also online can be changed. This property is provided by a simplified content management system , or the so-called wiki software wiki engine. To edit the contents is an easy-used-to-learn markup language.
Wikis allow different authors, to work cooperatively toward texts . Target of a wiki, it is generally the experience and of knowledge der Autoren kollaborativ auszudrücken ( Kollektive Intelligenz ). Sie können sowohl auf einem einzelnen Rechner ( Desktop-Wiki ), in lokalen Netzwerken oder im Internet eingesetzt werden. Auch wenn das Konzept vor allem in Verbindung mit der Freie Inhalte -Bewegung bekannt wurde und in dieser ein zentrales Medium zur Inhaltserstellung darstellt, nutzen auch Hersteller proprietärer Inhalte Wikis als Präsentationsform.essential in most wiki software, including the standard used in the Wikipedia even MediaWiki and often used in corporate intranets TWiki is the restore versioning that allows the users in case of mistakes or vandalism , an earlier version a page . As usual with hypertext , is each page of a wiki with cross-references (hyperlinks ) interconnected; for linking various wikis is the concept of interwiki links.
There is a plethora of commercial and non-commercial platforms to wikis, for example
http:/ / prints (Link 39)
a good overview of free Wikiplattformen it here: -236 844 /Here is a comprehensive directory of German-language wiki:
Johanna Willems: And if someone else experiences with Second Life & Business, has something else would interesieren me very much. Like to: Thank you and goodbye
jacqueline spirit: looks like a pragmatic approach in the whole web of jungle 2.0, if I do not set additional staff and my time does not want to nuke complex question ... but maybe there are just a few relation quick wins, which cost a great use / have. thank
Could you give again a brief overview of the platforms for which applications and users on the most appropriate:
- keyword pragmatic approach to such platforms Formenn - the number of networks (XING, Facebook, LinkeIn) should I update my profile? What do you consider to be professional? (I am now only on XING)
- Networking (strategic) versus personal relationship maintenance: How do you stand? What do you propagate? What I have more success as for the (indirect) job acquisition ...? > More Energy on, to spread wide and anonymous (Twitter), or through personal contacts a few, but possibly more relevant to create awareness, build confidence (and possibly orders) - which makes more sense? Always both operate in parallel?
- My colleagues and I am also still the "essential question" ...
- What can introverted people to participate in these more extroverted techniques / methods / marketing efforts? What are low-deals (apart from the Direct Messaging)? How can those who participate in meaningful, by its very nature, "on stage" not so much, the less self-presentation have ambitions? Will they be suspended? What about them, if established security technologies such as Twitter and equity markets are?
> There are people that tell themselves prefer the "Setting" is right, the better operate in small groups to avoid the "stage" ... Do they simply out of luck if they do not throw themselves into the stream? If so, is the excerpt that I see it on Twitter, not a very small, relative to the potential around it (do not stay too many professionals, experts, thinkers out there)? And what if I might also want to connect like too in touch with others who do not Sun technology-affine, or even simply have no capacity for this time-intensive medium?
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