Here now the program with the links you can click on all, if the presentation software on strike:
technical check-up
17:00 Welcome - Rules, introduction of participants in the chat
17:10 Introduction; Slides 1-5
17:15 basics Web 2.0 www.oreillynet (Wikipedia explanation of the term Web 2.0) (Link 1)
.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html Tim O'Reilly on What is Web 2.0 (Link 2)
Bausteine: Blogs etc. (Slide 6): Onlinejournalismus Technorati State of the Blogosphere (Link 3) Chili und Ciabatta (Link 4) Winzerblog (Link 5) Spiegelfechter (Link 6) Basic Thinking Blog (Link 7 )
Q & A (via chat)
17:30 wikis: https media cooperation
example of a wiki : / / (Link 8)
Other forms of publication:
Photos: Flickr (Link 9)
Videos: YouTube (Link 10)
Podcasts: GCast (Link 11)
Power Point presentations: Slideshare (Link 12)
Mind Maps: Mindmeister (Link 13)
Beispielblog: Change Management Blog (Link 14)
LinkedIn : Business Netzwerk (Link 15)
Facebook : Meganetzwerk (Link 16)
Dopplr : Vielreisende (Link 17)
Ning : Metanetzwerk (Link 18)
Delicious : Lesezeichen (Link 19)
und viel, viel mehr, siehe hier (Link 20)
Q&A (via Chat)
17.45 dimensions:
- technological dimension:
first Better bandwidth and wide accessibility of the Internet
second Increase in mobile devices for Internet use
third Mashup, RSS feeds, embedded objects etc.: / watch (Link 21) Michael Wesch's video "The Machine is Using Us"
- social dimension: communities. The Streisand effect
- cultural dimension: network culture. You are what you share. Resolution the concept of copyright
- economic dimension: Wikinomics, The Long Tail, anyone can earn on the Internet, viral marketing
Kevin Kelly: New Rules for the New Economy ( Link 22)
Wikinomics (slide or web (Link 23)
The Long Tail (slide or web (Link 24) )
viral marketing: eg Nike (Link 25) , or WillItBlend (Link 26 ) Ryanair, or UFOs over Haiti (Link 27)
18:00 A few examples:
Innocentive (Link 28)
Mechanical Turk (Link 29) (Link 30)
OhMyNews (Link 31)
BarackObama (Link 32)
Kiva (Link 33)
My Starbucks Idea (Link 34)
Daimler Blog (Link 35)
IBM Value Jams (see ppt)
Q & A (via chat)
18:10 to Practice:
easiest: Blogging
- Wordpress (Link 36)
- Typepad (Link 37)
- Change Management Community (Link 38)
source code or WYSIWYG example of a blog article (Link 39)
Like everything in life: passion and responsibility
Q & A (via chat)
18:20 A few more words on network identity and then to what the 2nd Webinar happened:
Program Webinar 2:
· overview of applications and how it integrates into blogs: wikis, video, photos, podcasts, wikis, etc.
Videos (youtube)
photos (flickr, picasa)
widgets in podcasts general
· The Super Blogger - what they like
· business bloggers and blogging companies
• For what can a blog using all
· principles of the blogosphere (cross-links, blogroll), other blogs
· Blog Ching reading Software (Wordpress, Blogger, Typepad, etc.), advantages and disadvantages
· Tagging
· RSS Feeds
· Analyse
· Eigene URL
· Andere Applikationen einbinden (Flickr; YouTube; Slideshare)
· Rechtliches – Copyright; Creative Commons
· HTML; einige Grundlagen: <> ; ;
· Widgets einbinden
· Wikis – wie und wozu?
· Praktische Arbeit an einem Blog
18.30 Ende des 1. Webinars
Anmeldung für das 2. Webinar: (Link 40)
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