still places free for the free introductory events
alternative dates 14th and 16
December 2009 and on 12 January 2010
There are perhaps some of the reasons why you want to deal with virtual collaboration: expect
- your business partners, customers, managers or employees of you that you are communicating virtually and collaborate.
- you put into social or political processes, the cry for new forms of participation to move forward.
- all else around you have long known how to work virtually together and you finally want to have a say.
- your Controller hat Ihre Reisebudget gnadenlos zusammen gestrichen, Sie müssen aber kontinuierlich mit Ihren internationalen Teams kooperieren.
- Sie wollten schon lange mal wissen, wie man tragfähige und vertrauensvolle Beziehungen mit Menschen aufbaut, ohne sie je getroffen zu haben.
- Eigentlich wollten Sie ja schon lange einmal ein Blog, um sich im Internet zu verewigen, oder ein Wiki öffnen, um mit anderen an gemeinsamen Dokumenten zu arbeiten.
- Der Dschungel von Werkzeugen, Plattformen und Programmen verwirrt Sie und Sie würden gerne Licht in das Dunkel bringen.
- Langweilige und wenige effektive Telefonkonferenzen sind Teil ihres Arbeitsalltags und sie wünschen sich Alternativen
- you already have some experience in virtual collaboration, but very effective, these attempts have not.
In our training series, we invite you to experiment with various forms of electronic collaboration, which are also under the heading "Web 2.0" summarized. In the course of several weeks you will get our online license, which enables you to an agile participant in the virtual road to be. This all happens in an interactive mix of presentations, group work phases, peer learning, reflection and very practical tasks, based on which you the most important tools, but also learn principles of collaboration and use.
Group size: Maximum 15 participants
training platform, we will use as a training platform especially WebEx, a learning platform that gives us ways to map a virtual training processes. You will log into the system via computer and then either dial in to your computer via headphones or use the phone in the workshop.
Free introductory course
- What it is - What makes virtual collaboration?
- Overview - what is there at all?
- Rules - how we work in the course together?
- Motivation - why should I know more about virtual collaboration?
- Differences - synchronous and co asysnchrone
- First steps - as I approach the Web 2.0?
- Experiment - Try it on individual tools
alternative dates (16:00 to 17:30 respectively)
14th December 2009 16 December 2009 and 12 January 2010
If you want to register for one of these introductory courses, please write a short email to
Subject: Introduction to Virtual collaboration
and tell us a date with, you want to participate in the . We will then to a technical check-up session before the actual Event invitations.
After the introductory course, you have opportunity to sign up for the other, pay rate series. An obligation is not created by your participation in the launch event.
Module 1: do tools for asynchronous collaboration
In this module we discuss the options available, a group or team to connect with each other, which have few opportunities to collaborate in real time. We will practice the work on a wiki in small groups. Furthermore, various platforms and tools are presented and tested that make the project work easier (eg Basecamp, Google Docs, and others).
Date: 28 January 2010 (16:00 to 6:00 p.m.)
Module 2: Tools for synchronous collaboration
This module shows paths and tried, that teams can effectively collaborate in real time, so make use of e-conferencing. We will delve deeper into learning platforms such as WebEx and highlight the benefits of various Voice-over-IP instruments. When one uses computer telephony and conference calls when? What options the documentation of meetings are there? How to start a group process? We will also talk about quasi-real-time instruments, ie, tools that can be used as both synchronously and asynchronously (eg Twitter, Skype chat rooms, etc.). How can major conferences are accompanied virtually and documented?
Date: 4 February 2010 (16:00 to 18:00)
Module 3: External communication, stakeholder involvement and public relations
The Internet provides many opportunities to involve large networks of collaboration processes and prevent potential multipliers of the organization itself. This module is to be said about networking tools like LinkedIn, Facebook, Ning, Xing, Twitter and other platforms. How important are actually blogs? When one uses wikis for external communication? As a message is viral? What options are there, external (virtuelle Kommunikation) effizient und effektiv zu gestalten?
Termin: 11. Februar 2010 (16.00-18.00)
Modul 4: Einführung in die Virtuelle Moderation
Im letzten Modul geht es darum, wie virtuelle Prozesse begleitet und moderiert werden können. Welche Fähigkeiten und Prinzipien der Präsenzveranstaltung gelten auch für die virtuelle Welt? Welche neuen Fähigkeiten brauchen wir als virtuelle Moderatoren; welche Prinzipien sind neu? Wie bündelt man verschiedene Instrumente, um effektive Teammeetings zu gestalten?
Termin: 18. Februar 2010 (16.00-18.00)
Die Veranstaltungsreihe wird interaktiv gestaltet und von zwei Trainern begleitet, mit vielen Übungen in small groups and project work between modules. For this project you should plan about 5-6 hours per week. They need to participate headphones with integrated microphone.
price for Modules 1-4: € 650 plus 19% VAT
sign for this series you can from mid-December. Let us now know, if you are interested ( - Subject: 4parts Training Series Virtual Collaboration)